etched on handmade paper from a $20 bill tangled red lines eyes faces female shapes trees and shrubs down the left side four dollar signs at the lower right a red seal a red anchor surrounded by red rays in pencil: Hope STATE 1/1 Otis Tamasauskas a photo taken beside lake Ontario below the bluffs a fire breather in turban embroidered robes brown cheeks puffed out the wind at his back blowing a great surge of yellow flame carried away seconds later by the wind but still there in the photo by Robert Allison

an engraver sits at a table before a window peering through a loupe while over his shoulder a woman in a white robe an angel with little wings watches him work and behind her a horned devil pitchfork pointing watches also as the work takes shape W.W. Bates 83 A/P in a dumpster is a piano a young man stands with hands on the keys playing the piano for the last time the photographer taking the picture watched him scramble out and watched a backhoe dump a load of refuse over the piano and on the verso of the photo: Swan Song Ivaan Kotulsky